@extends(isset($eventLooks) ? (is_null($eventLooks['is_draft']) ? 'index' : ($eventLooks['is_draft'] == 0 ? 'index-left-sidebar' : 'index')) : 'index') @section('content') @if(isset($eventLooks)) @if($eventLooks['is_draft'] == 0)
@endif @endif

@if(isset($eventLooks)) @if($eventLooks['name']) {{ $eventLooks['name'] }} @endif @else Create Event @endif

@if(!empty($event_code)) {{ Form::open(array('url' => getenv('APP_URL') . '/events/' . $event_code . '/create/event-info', 'class' => 'tab-content form-horizontal form-bordered', 'files' => true)) }} @else {{ Form::open(array('url' => getenv('APP_URL') . '/events/create/event-info', 'class' => 'tab-content form-horizontal form-bordered', 'files' => true)) }} @endif

1. Select a preset color scheme or create Your own

@foreach ($colors as $key=>$color)
@if(isset($eventColors)) @if($eventColors['template']) @if($color->id == $eventColors['id']) {{ Form::radio('colors', $color->id, true, array('id'=>'color'.$color->id)) }} @else {{ Form::radio('colors', $color->id, false, array('id'=>'color'.$color->id)) }} @endif @else {{ Form::radio('colors', $color->id, false, array('id'=>'color'.$color->id)) }} @endif @else @if($key == 0) {{ Form::radio('colors', $color->id, true, array('id'=>'color'.$color->id)) }} @else {{ Form::radio('colors', $color->id, false, array('id'=>'color'.$color->id)) }} @endif @endif
@endforeach @if(isset($eventColors)) @if($eventColors['template']) {{ Form::hidden('testColors', 0, array('id'=>'testColors')) }} @else {{ Form::hidden('testColors', 2, array('id'=>'testColors')) }} @endif @else {{ Form::hidden('testColors', 0, array('id'=>'testColors')) }} @endif
Your Own
@if(isset($eventColors)) @if($eventColors['template']) {{ Form::text('bgColor', null, array('class'=>'form-control bg-color', 'placeholder'=>'Header Background Color')) }} @else {{ Form::text('bgColor', $eventColors['background'], array('class'=>'form-control bg-color', 'placeholder'=>'Header Background Color')) }} @endif @else {{ Form::text('bgColor', null, array('class'=>'form-control bg-color', 'placeholder'=>'Header Background Color')) }} @endif
@if(isset($eventColors)) @if($eventColors['template']) {{ Form::text('titleColor', null, array('class'=>'form-control title-color', 'placeholder'=>'Event Title Color')) }} @else {{ Form::text('titleColor', $eventColors['title'], array('class'=>'form-control title-color', 'placeholder'=>'Event Title Color')) }} @endif @else {{ Form::text('titleColor', null, array('class'=>'form-control title-color', 'placeholder'=>'Event Title Color')) }} @endif
@if(isset($eventColors)) @if($eventColors['template'])
{{ Form::Button('Save to Presets', array('class' => 'btn btn-default save_presets disabled btn-block')) }}
{{ Form::Button('Use for this event', array('class' => 'btn btn-success use_event disabled btn-block')) }}
{{ Form::Button('Save to Presets', array('class' => 'btn btn-default save_presets btn-block')) }}
{{ Form::Button('Use for this event', array('class' => 'btn btn-success use_event btn-block')) }}
@endif @else
{{ Form::Button('Save to Presets', array('class' => 'btn btn-default save_presets disabled btn-block')) }}
{{ Form::Button('Use for this event', array('class' => 'btn btn-success use_event disabled btn-block')) }}
@if(isset($eventColors)) {{ Form::hidden('colorID', $eventColors['id'], array('id'=>'colorID')) }} @else {{ Form::hidden('colorID', '', array('id'=>'colorID')) }} @endif

2. Select Custom Font

Titles Font
@foreach($titleFonts as $key=>$font) @endforeach
@if(isset($eventLooks)) @if($font == $eventLooks['title'] ) {{ Form::radio('titleFont', $font, true, array('id'=>'titleFont'.$key)) }} @else {{ Form::radio('titleFont', $font, false, array('id'=>'titleFont'.$key)) }} @endif @else @if($key == 1) {{ Form::radio('titleFont', $font, true, array('id'=>'titleFont'.$key)) }} @else {{ Form::radio('titleFont', $font, false, array('id'=>'titleFont'.$key)) }} @endif @endif {{ Form::label('titleFont'.$key, $font, array('style' => 'font-family:'.$font)) }}
Body Font
@foreach($bodyFonts as $key=>$font) @endforeach
@if(isset($eventLooks)) @if($font == $eventLooks['body']) {{ Form::radio('bodyFont', $font, true, array('id'=>'bodyFont'.$key)) }} @else {{ Form::radio('bodyFont', $font, false, array('id'=>'bodyFont'.$key)) }} @endif @else @if($key == 0) {{ Form::radio('bodyFont', $font, true, array('id'=>'bodyFont'.$key)) }} @else {{ Form::radio('bodyFont', $font, false, array('id'=>'bodyFont'.$key)) }} @endif @endif {{ Form::label('bodyFont'.$key, $font, array('style' => 'font-family:'.$font)) }}

3. Add your Company or Event Logo

@if($eventLooks['logo_option'] == 0) {{ Form::radio('logo', 'predifined_logo', true, ['id' => 'predifined_logo', 'data-url' => $logo]) }} @else {{ Form::radio('logo', 'predifined_logo', false, ['id' => 'predifined_logo', 'data-url' => $logo]) }} @endif {{ Form::label('predifined_logo', 'Predefined') }}
@if($eventLooks['logo_option'] == 1) {{ Form::radio('logo', 'no_logo', true, ['id' => 'no_logo']) }} @else {{ Form::radio('logo', 'no_logo', false, ['id' => 'no_logo']) }} @endif {{ Form::label('no_logo', 'No Logo') }}
@if($eventLooks['logo_option'] == 2) {{ Form::radio('logo', 'upload_logo_cb', true, ['id' => 'upload_logo_cb']) }} @else {{ Form::radio('logo', 'upload_logo_cb', false, ['id' => 'upload_logo_cb']) }} @endif {{ Form::hidden('logoNotRequired', 1, array('id'=>'testColors')) }}
Upload New Logo Change {{ Form::file('upload_logo_update', $attributes = array('id' => 'upload_logo')) }} ×
{{ Form::radio('logo', 'predifined_logo', true, ['id' => 'predifined_logo', 'data-url' => $logo]) }} {{ Form::label('predifined_logo', 'Predefined') }}
{{ Form::radio('logo', 'no_logo', false, ['id' => 'no_logo']) }} {{ Form::label('no_logo', 'No Logo') }}
{{ Form::radio('logo', 'upload_logo_cb', false, ['id' => 'upload_logo_cb']) }}
Upload New Logo Change {{ Form::file('upload_logo', $attributes = array('id' => 'upload_logo')) }} ×
{{ Form::text('upload_validation', 1) }}


Your Event Name

Wake up your design skills! Choose colors and fonts that are aligned with your company brand or this specific event’s style guide. No style guide? No worries, you can create your own styling. We have some colors prepared and preset for you, but if it doesn’t suit your needs, you can create your own as well. Everything you pick here is going to be applied on site header, event title, text paragraphs, buttons, input fields and other elements of the layout. This is just a general look and feel of your registration site, when you finish with creation of event, preview will be available on the dashboard.
{{ Form::submit('Go to Step 2', array('class' => 'btn btn-success btn-block')) }}
{{ Form::close() }}
@if(isset($eventLooks)) @else @endif @if(isset($eventLooks)) @if($eventLooks['is_draft'] == 0)
@endif @endif {!! JsValidator::formRequest('App\Http\Requests\Events\Create\LookAndFeel') !!} @endsection