@extends(isset($event_info) ? (is_null($event_info['is_draft']) ? 'index' : ($event_info['is_draft'] == 0 ? 'index-left-sidebar' : 'index')) : 'index') @section('content') @if(isset($event_info)) @if($event_info['is_draft'] == 0)
Wire transfer details:
Wire transfer details:
Wire transfer details:
This action can not be undone.
Deletion can not be done because this option was already selected in registration process.
Delete registration entries associated with this option to be able to proceed with deletion.
Deletion can not be done because this invoice option is already associated with other ticket, accommodation or transfer offers.
Unassociate this option with all registration types & offers to be able to proceed with deletion.
This action can not be undone.