@extends('index-left-sidebar') @section('content')

{{ $event_info['name'] }}

@php $event_start = new DateTime($event_info['start']); $event_end = new DateTime($event_info['end']); $event_days_diff = $event_start->diff($event_end)->d; @endphp @if($event_info['venue'] == 'physical') @if ($event_days_diff > 0) {{ date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($event_info['start'])) . ' - ' . date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($event_info['end'])) . ', ' . $event_info['v_name'] }} @else {{ date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($event_info['start'])) . ', ' . $event_info['v_name'] }} @endif @else @if ($event_days_diff > 0) {{ date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($event_info['start'])) . ' - ' . date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($event_info['end'])) }} @else {{ date("d.m.Y. H:i", strtotime($event_info['start'])) }} @endif @endif

E-mail Campaign

{{ Form::open(array('url' => getenv('APP_URL') . '/events/' . $event_code . '/mailings/' . $mailing_activity_code . '/mailing-list','class' => 'form-horizontal form-bordered krik-form krik-email-design', 'id'=>'main', 'files' => true)) }} {{ Form::hidden('event_code',$event_code) }} {{-- ako se radi o editiranju eventu --}} @if(isset($data)) {{ Form::hidden('edit',$data['id']) }} @else {{ Form::hidden('edit', "no data") }} @endif
1. Campaign
{{ Form::label('activity_name','Campaign name',array('class' => 'control-label')) }} @if(isset($data)) {{ Form::text('activity_name',$data['name'], array('class' => 'form-control','id' => 'activity_name')) }} @else {{ Form::text('activity_name', null, array('class' => 'form-control','id' => 'activity_name')) }} @endif
{{ Form::label('type','Type of E-mail Campaign',array('class' => 'control-label')) }}
{{ Form::label('description', 'Description',array('class' => 'control-label')) }} @if(isset($data)) {{ Form::textarea('description',$data['description'], array('class' => 'form-control','placeholder' => 'Here goes description of Your event', 'size'=>'30x5', 'id' => 'description')) }} @else {{ Form::textarea('description',null, array('class' => 'form-control','placeholder' => 'Here goes description of Your event', 'size'=>'30x5', 'id' => 'description')) }} @endif
2. Custom HTML
3. E-mail Header
@if(isset($data)) @if($data['header_img_url'] != NULL) {{ Form::radio('mailing_type','upload',true,['id' => 'mailing_type_upload']) }} @else {{ Form::radio('mailing_type','upload',false,['id' => 'mailing_type_upload']) }} @endif @else {{ Form::radio('mailing_type','upload',false,['id' => 'mailing_type_upload']) }} @endif {{ Form::label('mailing_type_upload','Upload Header Photo',null) }}
@if(isset($data)) @if($data['header_text'] != NULL) {{ Form::radio('mailing_type','choose',true,['id' => 'mailing_type_choose']) }} @else {{ Form::radio('mailing_type','choose',false,['id' => 'mailing_type_choose']) }} @endif @else {{ Form::radio('mailing_type','choose',false,['id' => 'mailing_type_choose']) }} @endif {{ Form::label('mailing_type_choose','Choose Header Look',null) }}
@if(isset($data)) @if($data['header_img_url'] == NULL && $data['header_text'] == NULL) {{ Form::radio('mailing_type', 'none', true, ['id' => 'mailing_type_none']) }} @else {{ Form::radio('mailing_type', 'none', false, ['id' => 'mailing_type_none']) }} @endif @else {{ Form::radio('mailing_type', 'none', false, ['id' => 'mailing_type_none']) }} @endif {{ Form::label('mailing_type_none', 'No Header', null) }}
4. E-mail Body

{{ Form::label('body-html', 'Custom HTML', array('class' => 'control-label')) }} @if(isset($data)) {{ Form::textarea('body_html', $data['body_html'], array('class' => 'form-control','placeholder' => 'Here goes Your custom HTML', 'size'=>'30x20', 'id' => 'body-html')) }} @else {{ Form::textarea('body_html',null, array('class' => 'form-control','placeholder' => 'Here goes Your custom HTML', 'size'=>'10x10', 'id' => 'body-html')) }} @endif
Upload files
@if(isset($data)) {{ Form::textarea('body_text',$data['body_wysiwyg'], array('id' => 'wysihtml5-textarea','class' => 'form-control', 'size'=>'30x5')) }} @else {{ Form::textarea('body_text', null, array('id' => 'wysihtml5-textarea','class' => 'form-control', 'size'=>'30x5')) }} @endif
Upload files
5. Call to Action (Buttons)
@if(isset($data)) @if($data['register_button']) {{ Form::radio('call_to_action','Register', true,['id' => 'register-button']) }} @else {{ Form::radio('call_to_action','Register', false,['id' => 'register-button']) }} @endif @else {{ Form::radio('call_to_action','Register', false,['id' => 'register-button']) }} @endif {{ Form::label('register-button','Add Register Button',null) }}
@if($event_info['access'] == "private")
@if(isset($data)) @if($data['confirm_button']) {{ Form::radio('call_to_action','Confirm', true,['id' => 'confirmation_button']) }} @else {{ Form::radio('call_to_action','Confirm', false,['id' => 'confirmation_button']) }} @endif @else {{ Form::radio('call_to_action','Confirm', false,['id' => 'confirmation_button']) }} @endif {{ Form::label('confirmation_button','Add Confirm Button',null) }}
Fast Preview
@if(isset($data)) @if(!$data['sidebar_included'] && ($data['register_button'] || $data['confirm_button'])) @endif @endif
@if(isset($data)) @if($data['body_wysiwyg'] != NULL) {!! $data['body_wysiwyg'] !!} @endif @else

Ducimus quod quaerat, eveniet tenetur inventore deleniti veritatis ut culpa beatae obcaecati! Itaque, temporibus, quis veniam qui impedit illo nobis quia. Tempora aspernatur, vel laudantium minima doloremque? Voluptas, eos, asperiores.

@if(isset($data)) @if($data['sidebar_included'] && ($data['register_button'] || $data['confirm_button'])) @endif @endif @if($event_info['venue'] == "physical") @endif

{{ $event_info['start'] }}

{{ $event_info['end'] }}

{{ $event_info['v_name'] }}

{{ $event_info['address'] }}
{{ $event_info['city'] }}
{{ $event_info['postal'] }}
{{ $event_info['country'] }}
@if(isset($data)) @if($data['background_color']) @else @endif @else @endif @if($originalData['url']) @else @if($predef_logo[0]) @endif @endif @if(isset($data)) @if($data['logo_url'] != $id['url'] && $data['logo_url'] != NULL) @endif @endif {!! JsValidator::formRequest('App\Http\Requests\Events\Mailings\EmailDesign') !!} @endsection