@extends('index') @section('content')

Import New Leads

@if($errors->any()) @endif @if(session('excelfile') == 'wrong') @endif @if(session('excelfile') == 'empty') @endif
Make sure

Import file has data in the appropriate format:

  • Required columns are: firstname, lastname and e-mail
  • First row must contain column names
  • All of the columns must be presented in the following order:
    1. Title
    2. First Name
    3. Last Name
    4. E-mail
    5. Mobile
    6. Phone
    7. Company Name
    8. Job Function
    9. Company Address
    10. Company City
    11. Company Post Code
    12. Company Country
    13. Note
    14. Type
    15. Type Desriptions
  • Turn off all special formatting on cell data, for example number
  • Be aware that if a single contact if imported two times, it not will be duplicated. System will try to filter duplicates based on e-mail address.
{{ Form::open(array('url' => getenv('APP_URL') . '/leads/import', 'class' => 'form-horizontal', 'files' => true)) }}
Choose Excel file Change {{ Form::file('upload_excel', $attributes = array('id' => 'upload_excel','accept'=>'.xlsx,.xls')) }} ×
{{ Form::submit('Upload', array('class' => 'btn krik-btn-new-leads-upload hidden col-md-12')) }}
{{ Form::close() }}